Soothing Touch Massage & Bodywork, LLC
Stacey Smurawa, LMT, MLD-C #4616-146
911 N. Lynndale Dr. Ste 2D
Appleton, WI 54914
920-422-8056 (call or Text)
(Use Back Entrance)
Est. 2008
Services Offered:
Deep Tissue/Neuromuscular Therapy
Myofascial Release
Swedish Massage
Geriatrics (over 60)
Pediatrics (2-17)
Specializing in Manual Lymphatic Drainage(Lymphatic Massage)
Manual Lymphatic Drainage - Vodder Technigue
Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is a great way to boost your immune system.
If you have any of the following, MLD may be right for you.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
General Detoxification
Sluggish Immune system
Sinus Infections
Seasonal Allergies
Ehler's-Danilo's Syndrome
***I do not offer services for Tummy Tucks, BBL's or Lymphedema***

Please mention this offer when scheduling your massage.
My mission is to provide massage therapy for clients that are searching for relief due to a medical condition, stresses of life, or simple relaxation in a quiet and relaxing atmosphere.
If you are hesitant to try massage therapy then I am the therapist for you! I will greet you with a friendly smile, explain to you what a massage is like and discuss the type of massage that is right for you!
Massage can reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression, pain, and stress. It can also be helpful for illnesses such as anorexia nervosa, arthritis, cancer, fibromyalgia, and stroke.
I offer Lymphatic Massage which is becoming widely accepted for the post surgical healing process.
Massage may also help to reduce symptoms associated with alcohol withdrawal and smoking cessation. Massage also helps to strengthen ones self-esteem, boost your immune system, increase flexibility and improve sleep.