What to Expect During your Massage
As your therapist, and as a member of Associated Bodywork &Massage Professionals (ABMP), I pledge my commitment to offering you the best care I can, to working together toward positive treatmetn outcomes, and to adhering to the highest principles of the massage and bodywork profession, including:
Commitment to High-Quality Care
I will serve the best interests of my clients at all times and provide the highest quality of bodywork and service
possible. I recognize that the obligation for building and maintaining an effective, healthy, and safe therapeutic
relationship with my clients is my responsibility.
Commitment to Do No Harm
I will conduct a thorough health history intake process for each client to rule out contraindications
or determine appropriate session adaptations. If I see signs of, or suspect, an undiagnosed condition
that massage may be inappropriate for, I will refer that client to a physician or other qualified health-
care professional and delay the massage session until approval from the physician has been granted. I understand the importance of ethical touch and therapeutic intent and will conduct sessions with the sole objective of benefitting the client.
Commitment to Honest Representation of Qualifications
I will not work outside the commonly accepted scope of practice for massage therapists and bodywork professionals. I will only provide treatments and techniques for which I am fully trained and hold credible
credentials. I will carefully evaluate the needs of each client and refer the client to another provider if the client requires work beyond my capabilities or beyond the capacity of massage and bodywork.
Commitment to Uphold the Inherent Worth of All Individuals
I will demonstrate compassion, respect, and tolerance for others. I understand there are situations when it
is appropriate to decline service to a client because it is in the best interests of a client’s health, or for my
personal safety, but I will not refuse service to any client based on disability, ethnicity, gender, marital status,
physical build, or sexual orientation; religious, national, or political affiliation; or social or economic status.
Commitment to Respect Client Dignity and Basic Rights
I will demonstrate my respect for the dignity and rights of all individuals by providing a clean, comfortable,
and safe environment for sessions, using appropriate and skilled draping procedures, giving clients recourse
in the event of dissatisfaction with treatment, and upholding the integrity of the therapeutic relationship.
Commitment to Informed Consent
I will recognize a client’s right to determine what happens to their body. I will fully inform my clients of choices
relating to their care. I will not provide massage without obtaining a client’s informed consent (or that of the
guardian or advocate for the client) to the session plan.
Commitment to Confidentiality
I will keep client communication and information confidential and will not share client information
without the client’s written consent, within the limits of the law. I will ensure every effort is
made to respect a client’s right to privacy.
Commitment to Personal and Professional Boundaries
I will refrain from and prevent behaviors that may be considered sexual in my massage practice and uphold the
highest professional standards in order to desexualize massage. I will not date a client, engage in sexual
intercourse with a client, or allow any level of sexual impropriety (behavior or language) from clients or myself. I understand that sexual impropriety may lead to sexual harassment charges, the loss of my massage
credentials, lawsuits for personal damages, criminal charges, fines, attorney’s fees, court costs, and jail time.
Commitment to Honesty in Business
I will know and follow good business practices. I will set fair fees and practice honesty throughout my marketing
materials. I will not accept gifts, compensation, or other benefits intended to influence a decision related to a client.
Commitment to Professionalism
I will maintain clear and honest communication with clients and colleagues. I will positively
promote the massage and bodywork profession by committing to self-development and
continually building my professional skills.
If at any time you feel uncomfortable during our session, please stop the session and let me know so
we can remedy the situation. If you’re ever in the care of a massage therapist and you don’t feel safe,
trust your instincts. As the client, you are always entitled to ask a therapist to stop what they’re doing
or end the session—at any time, for any reason.
As your therapist, please note that I will NOT:
• Make any contact with the genital region.
• Make contact with the breast without prior discussion and consent for indicated conditions.
• Make sexual comments or jokes.
• Make inappropriate comments about your body.
• Require you to be nude in your massage session.
• Try to convince you to let me perform a technique you are uncomfortable with.
• Use poor or loose draping or hold the drape too high when you turn over, leaving you feeling exposed.
• Work on the upper inner thigh without
explicit permission
Where will my massage or bodywork session take place?
Your massage or bodywork session will take place in a warm, comfortable, quiet room. Soft music may be played to help you relax. You will lie on a table especially designed for your comfort.
Must I be completely undressed?
Most massage and bodywork techniques are traditionally performed with the client unclothed; however, it is entirely up to you what you want to wear. You should undress to your level of comfort. You will be properly draped during the entire session.
Will the Therapist be present when I disrobe?
The practitioner will leave the room while you undress, relax onto the table, and cover yourself with a clean sheet or towel.
Will I be covered during the session?
You will be properly draped at all times to keep you warm and comfortable. Only the area being worked on will be exposed.
What parts of my body will be massaged?
A typical full-body session will include work on your back, arms, legs, feet, hands, head, neck, and shoulders, possibly Stomach and buttocks.
What will the massage or bodywork feel like?
A relaxing Swedish massage is often a baseline for clients. In a general Swedish massage, your session may start with broad, flowing strokes that will help calm your nervous system and relax exterior muscle tension. As your body becomes relaxed, pressure will gradually be increased to relax specific areas and relieve areas of muscular tension. Often, a light oil or lotion is used to allow your muscles to be massaged without causing excessive friction to the skin. The oil also helps hydrate your skin. You should communicate immediately if you feel any discomfort so that another approach may be taken. Massage and bodywork are most effective when your body is not resisting.
Are there different kinds of massage and bodywork?
There are numerous types of massage and bodywork; various techniques utilize different strokes, including basic rubbing strokes, rocking movement, posture and movement re-education, application of pressure to specific points, and more. We can discuss which methods may be most appropriate for you.
What should I do during the massage or bodywork session?
Prior to the massage, feel free to ask the therapist any questions about the technique or the upcoming session. During the massage, make yourself comfortable. The practitioner will either gently move you or tell you what is needed throughout the session (such as lifting your arm). Many people just close their eyes and completely relax, communicating if/when they need more or less pressure, another blanket, or anything else relevant to the session. If you have any questions regarding the session or about the particular technique you are receiving, feel free to ask.
How will I feel after the massage or bodywork session?
Most people feel very relaxed. Some experience freedom from long-term aches and pains developed from tension or repetitive activity. After an initial period of feeling slowed down, people often experience increased energy, heightened awareness, and greater productivity which can last for days. Since toxins are released from your soft tissues during a massage, it is recommended you drink plenty of water following your massage.
What are the benefits of massage and bodywork?
Massage and bodywork can help release chronic muscular tension and pain, improve circulation, increase joint flexibility, reduce mental and physical fatigue and stress, promote faster healing of injured muscular tissue, improve posture, and reduce blood pressure. Massage and bodywork is also known to promote better sleep, improve concentration, reduce anxiety and create an overall sense of well-being.
Are there any medical conditions that would make massage or bodywork inadvisable?
Yes. That's why it's imperative that, before you begin your session, the practitioner asks general health questions. It is very important that you inform the practitioner of any health problems or medications you are taking. If you are under a doctor's care, it is strongly advised that you receive a written recommendation for massage or bodywork prior to any session. Depending on the condition, approval from your doctor may be required.
You will be asked to arrive 5 - 10 Minutes early for your initial appointment as you will be asked to fill out a brief Health History Form.
The Massage Therapist will go over with you what you expect to achieve from your massage and discuss the massage tecniques that will be best in achieving that goal.
You will be asked to disrobe to your comfort level and to lay on the table and cover up with the sheets provided (the therapist will leave the room at this time).
Lubricant in the form of lotion will be used for most techniques and the therapist will only undrape the part of the body being massaged.
During most sessions talking is not necessary, although talking is needed during Neuromuscular
Therapy or Myofascial Release as the therapist will ask if the applied pressure is comfortable.
After the massage the therapist will leave the room so you can quietly get of the table and dress.
After Neuromuscular Therapy you may experience delayed tenderness in that area. It should be slight and last only a few days. This is most common with the first session.
Please drink lots of water and don't plan on physical activity for the rest of the day. Also, drink a lot of water after your session as to help flush out the toxins. I will supply you with a bottle of water to get you started.
Payment is expected after the session. Check, cash, Pre-Paid cards, or gift certificates are accepted.
A massage can be repeated as often as you wish, from once a week to once every six weeks. Once a month is the most preferred between massages, although therapeutic massage is recommended more frequently for the best healing process.